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Nepali Joke - Cow is Making Horn - होर्न बजाउदै छ

 English Version

Once a Farm Owner Bikash had to Cross his Cow with an OX. There was no any OX nearby and he remembered his Friend Shiva in next Village who had OX in his Farm. So he Telephoned him.

"Come on dear, We will have lunch too" Shiva said, thinking the  Cow will be Coupled and both friends after a long time will go for lunch. Bikash put his Cow in the Truck and moved to Friends Farm. He left his Cow with the OX and both friends went for lunch.

"Ok Shiva, Now i am moving but one thing, how will I know that the copulation  succeed ", asked Bikash.

O' dear, Its easy, check your cow tomorrow morning, If she is sleeping quietly then think the copulation succeed.

Ok bye .... The very Next Morning Bikash went to the see his Cow. But she was standing, so he found that the copulation that was made yesterday didnot succeed. He loaded his Cow in his Truck and againg took to his Friends Farm. Left his Cow with the OX, had Breakfast with his Friend and returned at the evening. This went for 5 days, he did same thing all days going to his friends Farm for copulating his Cow. At 6th Day early morning his Wife shouted at him " Dear wake up, Wake up fast ".
"What Happened ? "
"Our Cow", Replied his Wife.

He woke up strangly and asked," What happened ? Is she sleeping silentlyor What ?".

She Replied," No, She already got into the Truck and is Making Horn, Didn't you listen .......!!!!!!!"

Nepali Version = होर्न बजाउदै छ

 एक्चोटी एउटा फर्म मालिक्लाई आफ्नो गाई भर्ना गराउनु थियो | नजिकैको गाउँमा उस्को साथीको साँढे भएको कुरा सम्झना भयो अनी उसले साथीलाई फोन गर्‍यो |
"आइज, आइज, तेरो काम पनि हुन्छ , दुबैजना लन्च सँगै  गरौला |" असले गाइलाई ट्रकमा  राख्यो   अनी लिएर साथीको फर्म गयो | गाइलाई साँढे लगाएर उनिहरु सँगै लन्च गर्न गए |
"लौ त अब बिदा दे यार, अनी एउटा  कुरा गाई भर्ना भयो भन्ने कुरा मैले कसरी थाहा   पाउने ?" गाइवालाले भन्यो |
"सजिलै छ नि, बिहान गोठमा गाई यदी लम्पसार परेर सुतिरहेको पैसा भने गाई भर्ना भयो  भन्ने बुझ्नु ", साथीले भन्यो |
भोलिपल्ट बिहान उ गोठमा जाँदा गाई उभिराखेको पायो, भर्ना नभएकाले उसले फेरी गाइलाई ट्रकमा लोड गर्‍यो र पल्लो गाउँ साथीकोमा लग्यो | उसले साथी सँग ब्रेकफास्ट गर्‍यो , गाइलाई साँढे लगायो,  लगातार ५ दिन सम्मा यस्तै गर्‍यो | ६टौ दिन बिहान उसकी श्रीमतीले ओछ्यानमा आएर उठाइ र करौदै भनी, " छिटो उठ्नुस्न हजुर|"
" के भयो ? उसले निन्द्राको सुरमा भन्यो |
" हाम्रो गाई ......" श्रीमतीले भनी |

" गाइको  नाम सुन्नेबितिकै उ जुरुक्क उठ्यो अनी आशापूर्ण स्वरमा भन्यो " के भयो गाइलाई ? भर्ना भएछ ? गोठमा लम्पसार परेर सुतिरहेको छ कि कसो ? "
"होइन, गाई आँफै ट्रकमा चढेर होर्न बजाउन्दैछ | "

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